Network marketing has been around for over 100 years. The concept of network marketing is simple, you build a downline of people who in turn become your downline. Each person in your downline is your customer and each person above them is your sponsor. You then make money by selling products to your customers and making money off of commissions from your downline. This is how it works, but it doesn’t work that way for everyone.
There are many people who join network marketing companies thinking they will be able to make a lot of money in a short amount of time. Unfortunately this is not always the case. There are many factors that affect how much money you will make.
The first factor is how many people you can recruit. If you have 100 people under you and only 20 of those people buy from you, you won’t make much money. The reason why this happens is because you need to sell to the people who are most likely to buy. If you have 100 people who don’t buy, you don’t have enough sales to make any money.

The second factor is how good your products are. If you sell products that are not very good, then no one will buy them. It is important that your products are top notch. People will look at your company as an option if you have quality products.
The third factor is how good your company is. A company with great leadership and a great compensation plan will make more money than a company with a bad leadership and a poor compensation plan.
The fourth factor is how well you market your business. If you don’t market your business, then no one will know about it. This is true for all businesses, but it is especially true for network marketing companies. If you don’t market, you won’t make any money.
You must take these four factors into consideration when choosing a company to work with. Don’t just choose a company because it is the first one you find. Choose a company that will help you succeed.