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Google gooses Chrome with network speed-boost idea, QUIC

Google couldn't build a whole new protocol, because network equipment on the Internet generally blocks any traffic that's not UDP or TCP, Google said. Thus, it recrafted UDP to get something that works on today's Internet. In addition, QUIC offers an …
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Inside The Rise Of Responsive Design And Its Pros And Cons As A Mobile …

The website maintains the same Web address or URL regardless of what device it's seen on. In sum: The fluid layout means that content adapts to all form factors, even smart TVs — a fast-growing source of Web traffic. Responsive Design With Server-Side …
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Auto Scaling In Cloud Computing

Traffic to a website could be intentionally routed there, as in a traffic campaign, so there might be a certain amount of expected traffic resulting from that campaign. But sometimes the campaign might have done better than expected and website traffic …
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