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Social Bookmarking can be a traffic magnet.  To build solid traffic and generate prospects for your opportunity, you need to understand what Social media is, and how to maximize it to your advantage.

Keep in mind, the whole Social marketing concept involves building relationships.  I have emphasized several times that the focus of Web2.0 strategies (especially Social Networking), is the perfect marriage between internet marketing and Network Marketing.

Social Media :  It is about…

* Weaving your content and messages into the social web
* Making friends with your target audience
* Communicating with those friends in real time if possible
* Listening to those friends and responding accordingly

It’s Just Human Nature to build relationships, and the Social Networks make it possible to build relationships virtually.  Those relationships become excellent prospects for our opportunity.

It’s just in our nature as human beings that we like to communicate about what we are interested in.  But there are more reasons than just learning more about what we are interested in that moves many of us to want to communicate about it openly and in public.

People want their opinions to be heard. They like to see their ideas in print. They like getting replies from other people about their opinions.

People like being part of a community of like minded individuals. They like feeling like they are actually a part of something. They like getting involved.

Some people like controversy or having a controversial point of view. Some like to create controversy just to see if they can stir up others in a community to create buzz about differing opinions.

All of the above human traits and more are the reason that Social Sites like MySpace and FaceBook’s owners became millionaires almost overnight.

But those Social Sites are either print interactive or one way communications such as podcasts or videos.

The next step in the evolution of Social Interactive Media is Live Internet Talk Radio.  I’ve taught about it in live Advanced Training seminars, and am now created a course explaining the great benefits of Talk Radio Traffic.

Its obvious how many millions of people love to share their opinions, ask question, get answers and learn through the social sites. How much more do you think it will appeal to people to become involved with a community by joining in on live conversations, where they can hear themselves espousing their ideas and getting immediate feed back and interaction from experts or hundreds of other people, with potentially thousands more people listening in?

Now that is POWER!

The beautiful part is; you can facilitate making that happen for them in your niche. You can control the entire social interaction and make more money doing it.

If you want more information on the Social Media marketing, I have several courses available on the topic.